Today's Headlines: Afternoon Edition

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Washington Post

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1) Salahis sought gala access through a Pentagon door

E-mails turned over to the Secret Service show that Tareq and Michaele Salahi had sought a top Defense Department official's help to gain access to last week's White House state dinner.

2) Seattle police kill suspect in officer slayings

SEATTLE -- The man suspected of gunning down four police officers in a suburban coffee shop was shot and killed by a lone patrolman investigating a stolen car early Tuesday. Four people were arrested for allegedly helping the suspect elude authorities during a massive two-day manhunt.

3) Feeling lonely? Chances are you're not alone.

Loneliness is like a disease -- and what's worse, it's contagious.

4) 34,000 troops will be sent to Afghanistan

President Obama will outline Tuesday his intention to send an additional 34,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan, according to U.S. officials and diplomatic sources briefed Monday as Obama began informing allies of his plan.

5) Senate health bill gets a boost

As the Senate opened debate Monday on a landmark plan to overhaul the nation's health-care system, congressional budget analysts said the measure would leave premiums unchanged or slightly lower for the vast majority of Americans, contradicting assertions by the insurance industry that the average...

6) 'It's supposed to be hard'

Arthur Colby arrives at Quantico Marine Base by way of Groton boarding school and Dickinson College -- exclusive, private institutions that aren't exactly pipelines to the military. Officer Candidates School, he knows, will be unlike anything he's faced in his young life.

7) Target practice in Copenhagen

Why the numbers don't add up on certain pledged carbon emissions targets.

8) The perils of being commander in chief

Why a fondness for audiences in uniform should be a concern to his allies on the left.

9) Palin particularly popular among fans of Limbaugh and Beck

Sarah Palin may or may not run for president in 2012, but she is already the overwhelming favorite in the Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck primaries..

10) 34,000 troops will be sent to Afghanistan

President Obama will tell the nation Tuesday night that he wants to quickly deploy an additional 34,000 U.S. troops and military trainers to Afghanistan, launching what he hopes will be an "endgame" to the long-running military effort there, U.S. officials and diplomatic sources said.

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