Today's Headlines from Stars and Stripes

Today's Headlines from Stars and Stripes

Stars and Stripes, the U.S. Military's Independent News Source: Monday, December 28, 2009

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U.S. seeks global security step-up on inbound travel

Airline passengers across Europe faced body searches and new limits on hand luggage Saturday after U.S. authorities requested tighter security in response to an attempt to bomb a Detroit-bound airliner.

NCIS squad is dedicated to solving 'cold' homicide cases

The 1992 slaying of the 22-year-old Petty Officer Third Class James Alan Horton in Berkeley County, S.C., is one of more than 100 unsolved murders being investigated by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service's Cold Case Homicide Unit.

Kids with deployed parents discuss ways to survive holidays

When a parent is deployed, holidays can be a stressful and sad time for students. But a school counselor in Bamberg, Germany, hopes she has found a way to help young people cope with the separation.

U.S. commander: Iraq must be fair to Sunnis

A top American commander called on the Iraqi government to take care of tens of thousands of unemployed anti-al-Qaida Sunni fighters, saying proper treatment for the men is critical for national reconciliation.

Volunteer buglers' call is to help honor the dead

He stood alone on a grassy hill, the sun glinting off his trumpet. Below, a family huddled in grief.All eyes fixed on two uniformed soldiers, facing each other as they worked in ceremonial silence, their gloved hands reverently folding, caressing and shaping the American flag into a small tight triangle.

Man arrested in new disturbance on Detroit flight

A Nigerian passenger onboard the same Northwest Airlines route that was attacked on Christmas Day was taken into custody in Detroit on Sunday after locking himself in the bathroom for an hour and becoming verbally disruptive upon landing, officials said.

Airliner plot raises fears about al-Qaida in Yemen

A Nigerian man's claim that his attempt to blow up a U.S. plane originated with al-Qaida's network inside Yemen deepened concerns that instability in the Middle Eastern country is providing the terror group with a base to train and recruit militants for operations against the West and the U.S.

U.S. troops testing British-style camo

British and American soldiers soon could be hard to tell apart if the U.S. Army adopts a camouflage pattern similar to one that the British have already picked out to conceal their troops in Afghanistan.

Afghan police work to overcome barriers for women

The young Afghan woman leaves home every morning with her face and figure hidden by a burqa. At her office, she dons a police uniform, grabs a pistol and starts knocking in doors, looking for drug dealers and Taliban sympathizers.


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