Marketplace Midday Update, Monday, December 28, 2009

American Public MediaMarketplace

MARKET UPDATE at 12:50 p.m. EST

DOW +12.09Dow up; NASDAQ +4.91Nasdaq up; S&P 500 +0.47S&P 500 up

Marketplace Minute With Bill Radke
Watch Marketplace Morning Report host Bill Radke cram all the week's business news into a 60-second poem.


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  • Someone please invent teleporting
    The failed terrorist attack on a Christmas Day Northwest Airlines flight has prompted the TSA to roll out yet another set of security measures. Because a Nigerian man who was on a terrorism watch list almost blew up a plane with explosives sewn into his underwear, you won't be able to move, let alone read your Kindle, on the last hour of flights into the U.S.

Putnam Investments

2009 Fundraiser

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