Marketplace Midday Update, Thursday, December 17, 2009

American Public MediaMarketplace

MARKET UPDATE at 12:35 p.m. EST

DOW -98.32Dow down; NASDAQ -22.10Nasdaq down; S&P 500 -9.78S&P 500 down

Marketplace Minute With Bill Radke
Watch Marketplace Morning Report host Bill Radke cram all the week's business news into a 60-second poem.


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  • Malthusians and Schumpeterians
    They sound like names from Gulliver’s Travels, but no, we’re talking economic philosophy here. We probably need to rent a university auditorium somewhere, set up a couple of lecterns and have a Malthusian and a Schumpeterian slug it out in a debate.
  • Morning Reading
    A few things that have caught my attention so far, including items on whether Obama is the problem, and five lessons for the next time the banks come begging.

Putnam Investments

2009 Fundraiser

Coverage from Marketplace, Marketplace Morning Report and Marketplace Money plus Web extras.


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