Opinions: Afternoon Edition

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Washington Post

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1) Time for accountability at the White House

By Sally Quinn
The discovery of another state-dinner gate crasher has to force some accountability.

2)  Leader without a cause

By Richard Cohen
Barack Obama, a lean man of ideological clay, is letting his foes mold his image.

3) It's not al-Cuba

By Eugene Robinson
Putting Cuba on the list of countries whose natives will go through extra screening at airports is a big waste of time.

4) Screen gems

By Anne Applebaum
What are we getting for all the money that is being spent on homeland security?

5) An urgent lesson from H1N1

By Bob Graham and Jim Talent
We are poorly prepared for a flu pandemic. And even less prepared for other biological events.

6) In N.Y., government's eminent arrogance

By George F. Will
BROOKLYN On Aug. 27, 1776, British forces routed George Washington's novice army in the Battle of Brooklyn , which was fought in fields and woods where today the battle of Prospect Heights is being fought. Americans' liberty is again under assault, but this time by overbearing American governments.

7) War? What war?

By Charles Krauthammer
The administration's response to terrorism has been incompetent and incomprehensible.

8)  'No drama' Napolitano can go far

By David S. Broder
She embodies Obama's preference for quiet competence with 'no drama.'

9) An ally's wobbles

JAPAN'S VENTURE into two-party democracy has not looked pretty so far -- especially for those watching from Washington. Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has pursued an erratic course in both domestic and foreign policy since his Democratic Party took office in September. Most notably, he triggered a...

10)  A deal for the tribes

IT TOOK NEARLY 14 years of litigation, three administrations and two contempt citations against Cabinet secretaries, but Native Americans are finally poised to receive some measure of restitution from the U.S. government for its gross mismanagement of Indian trusts.

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