Marketplace Money Newsletter for Weekend of January 2-3, 2009

Marketplace Money weekly update
January 2-3, 2010
This Week

Giving a big chunk of it away
The Fifty Percent League is made up of people who believe it's their moral obligation to give away as much of their money as they can. Lisa Napoli looks at what inspires these folks to engage in "extreme giving."

How to save $5,000 a year
Kristin Van Ogtrop, managing editor of Real Simple Magazine, talks with Tess Vigeland about how to scale back and save up to $5,000 a year.

OMG, you're still using AOL for e-mail?
Like the brand of shirt you wear, your preferred e-mail address can send a message about who you are. Stacey Vanek-Smith explores why many of her friends and colleagues recently started switching e-mail accounts.

Overwhelmed by check-out-line charity
It's becoming more common for grocery store shoppers to be asked to contribute to charities while they're in the check-out line. Those small contributions can add up for worthy causes, but there are hidden costs involved. Michael May reports.

Beware of charities' 'donor illusion'
Donors to charities get satisfaction from thinking their money is going to a particular person or project with which they then have a special relationship. But those relationships sometimes aren't so special. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Cleveland restaurants serve up success
Despite Cleveland's problems with foreclosures and poverty, restaurants keep opening up and prospering. Why? Dan Bobkoff reports.

Finding value in corporate history
Companies are often so focused on the present and future that they forget about their past. But now some companies are opening up showcases that highlight their products through history. Cash Peters takes us inside.

Why we can all be philanthropists
It's the season for giving. But given this economy, you might think that only those with big bucks can do philanthropy. Commentator Matthew Bishop urges us to think again.

An update on 2009 financial resolutions
Back in January 2009, we aired some listeners' money resolutions for the year. We check back in with a few to see just how well they kept those promises.


Money Clip

Spenders and savers frequently marry each other. That's the news from a recent academic study. Chris Farrell has some ideas about how to turn financial discord into marital harmony.

Getting Personal
Economics editor Chris Farrell and Tess Vigeland revisit some of the most common questions that listeners asked in 2009, and check-in with a woman who has been putting her marriage on hold because of student loans.
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