Opinions: Afternoon Edition

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Washington Post

Most Viewed Opinions Columns

1) Obama, the anti-Churchill?

By Fareed Zakaria
He wants to make U.S. foreign policy less extravagant and adversarial.

2)  Health-care nation

By Robert J. Samuelson
Health care is taking over government.

3) To really save the planet, stop going green

By Mike Tidwell
Enough with the compact bulbs and earth-friendly weddings.

4) In Afghan troop surge, shades of Iraq

By Fred Hiatt
Obama on Afghanistan sounds a lot like his predecessor on Iraq.

5) The best holiday gift

By E.J. Dionne Jr.
Why Obama needs a health-care bill before the end of the year.

6) The climate-change travesty

By George F. Will
With 20,000 delegates, advocates and journalists jetting to Copenhagen for planet Earth's last chance, the carbon footprint of the global warming summit will be the only impressive consequence of the climate-change meeting. Its organizers had hoped that it would produce binding caps on emissions,...

7) Obama the mortal

By Dana Milbank
Obama's messianic cult simply expected too much of him.

8)  A veteran's legal battle

INMATES COMMONLY challenge convictions or sentences based on claims that they were saddled with bad lawyers. Just as common are decisions by judges to deny such claims. So it is extraordinary that last week a unanimous Supreme Court tossed out a death sentence against a Florida inmate who made su...

9) Fresh air in Copenhagen

THIS WEEK, international negotiators convene in Copenhagen to forge a long-anticipated international agreement on climate change. The headline heading into the conference was the announcement of a carbon-curbing target by India, the last of the high-profile greenhouse gas emitters to step forward...

10)  Uncertain trumpet

By Charles Krauthammer
Where was the will to prevail in Obama's Afghanistan speech?

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