Opinions: Afternoon Edition

Washington Post

Most Viewed Opinions Columns

1) This will not end well

A halfhearted embrace of a half-baked nonstrategy makes a loss in Afghanistan likely.

2) Job creation made hard

A bad situation made somewhat worse by Obama.

3) A Goldilocks strategy

He bought himself time on Afghanistan, but there will be hell to pay if his policy fails.

4) Time for more stimulus

State and local governments are draining federal dollars, deepening the U.S.'s decline.

5) Be fair to Bernanke

At his confirmation hearing, Ben Bernanke should be thanked, not trashed.

6) What Mr. Obama changed

NOW that President Obama has unveiled a strategy for Afghanistan whose bottom line -- 30,000 more troops -- looks a lot like the one Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal proposed three months ago, an obvious question arises: Did the president's prolonged deliberations produce any significant change in Gen....

7) Extend the estate tax

SOMETIMES, if you're a member of Congress, you just have to hold your nose and vote for it. Thursday, the House is having one of those moments. The subject is the estate tax. In one of those fiscal time bombs left from the Bush administration, the estate tax, having gradually dwindled, is set to ...

8) Obama's lonely decision

Why did he turn against the foreign policy establishment on Afghanistan?

9) The card-swipe mayor

AN ELECTED OFFICIAL who pilfers gift cards intended for needy children clearly puts her interests first. It should be no surprise, then, that Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon thinks she can stay in office after a jury found her guilty of misdemeanor theft. Her audacity only compounds her offense -- w...

10) Surge, then leave

The right decision even if it will make everyone at least a little unhappy.


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