Today's Headlines: Afternoon Edition

Washington Post

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1) FAA glitch causes cascading delays at some U.S. airports

Federal Aviation Administration officials say a failed computer system that affected flights across the country Thursday morning is working again, but they cautioned travelers to expect residual delays.

2) Senate unveils health-care bill

Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid presented an $848 billion health-care overhaul package on Wednesday that would extend coverage to 31 million Americans and reform insurance practices while adding an array of tax increases, including a rise in payroll taxes for high earners.

3) The GOP's no-exit strategy

The rules have changed: keep Democrats from reaching the exit -- on anything.

4) Unlawful health reform?

Fighting federal law that requires all Americans to have health insurance.

5) 'Twilight,' the love that dare not speak its shame

We know. You hate "Twilight." You don't want to hear anything more about "Twilight." That's why this is not another story about the "Twilight" or "New Moon" mania, nor will it rhapsodize on the vampire craze, nor does it contain any interviews with Robert Pattinson.

6) In China, Obama leaves more questions than he takes

Listening to President Obama and his Chinese counterpart this week, it was hard to tell who was Hu.

7) White House backs off cancer test guidelines

A top federal health official said Wednesday that the controversial new guidelines for breast cancer screening do not represent government policy, as the Obama administration sought to keep the debate over mammograms from undermining the prospects for health-care reform.

8) Holder answers to 9/11 relatives about trials in U.S.

After enduring four hours of hostile questions in a crowded Capitol Hill hearing room about his decision to send the self-described mastermind of the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes to Manhattan for trial, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. submitted himself to one more round of interrogation Wednesday.

9) Palin and her fans irked by cover shot in shorts

NEW YORK -- Of all the adjectives one might use to describe Newsweek's current Sarah Palin cover, "unflattering" probably isn't one of them.

10) Lithuania investigates facility that may have been CIA 'black site'

ANTAVILIAI, LITHUANIA -- Residents of this village were mystified five years ago when tight-lipped American construction workers suddenly appeared at a mothballed riding stable here and built a large, two-story building without windows, ringed by a metal fence and security cameras.

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