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Breaking News: Report finds mammograms can start at 50

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*** Breaking News***

McLEAN, Va. - Most women don't need to get mammograms until they reach age 50, according to a controversial new report that recommends that far fewer women undergo the breast cancer screenings. For years, mammograms have been recommended every year or two for women beginning at age 40. The new report from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force now says women this age should simply talk to their doctors about the benefits and risks. The group also says there's no benefit to performing breast self-exams. For full story, click here.

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Today's Tech News: Play 'New Super Mario Bros. Wii' with up to four gamers

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Collect coins, bop enemies as you move characters across the screen. If you get stuck, brother Luigi is there to help.

Play 'New Super Mario Bros. Wii' with up to four gamers
By Mike Snider, USA TODAY
Nintendo's venerable mascot Mario is back with a new game that harks back to the old days, but with some new tools in his kit. Read more
GAME HUNTERS: More with 'Mario' creator Shigeru Miyamoto



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