Breaking News: Obama announces 30,000 additional troops for Afghanistan

News Alert
08:03 PM EST Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Obama announces 30,000 additional troops for Afghanistan

After months-long review, president says troops will begin to come home in 18 months: "I make this decision because I am convinced that our security is at stake in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is the epicenter of the violent extremism practiced by al Qaeda."

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Political News Alert: Obama announces 30,000 additional troops for Afghanistan

News Alert
08:03 PM EST Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Obama announces 30,000 additional troops for Afghanistan

After months-long review, president says troops will begin to come home in 18 months: "I make this decision because I am convinced that our security is at stake in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is the epicenter of the violent extremism practiced by al Qaeda."

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Washington Post Digital
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One News Page Alert: Dr. Jim Taylor: The Sahalis and the Great Gatsby

Dear Haytham,

We have been monitoring the world's news headlines on your behalf,
and found the following news report which matches your search term
*Make Money Earne*:

Dr. Jim Taylor: The Sahalis and the Great Gatsby

Let me apologize in advance; I just can\'t help myself. The
more I read about reality TV, the more it just gets under my skin and
the less control I have over writing about it.

Reality TV is my whipping boy. It exemplifies and makes admirable
some of the worst values that exist in our culture, running the gamut
of the Seven Deadly Sins and adding plenty more to the list. It also
encourages the most shameful behavior. As New York Times columnist
Frank Rich suggests, reality-TV aspirants are victims of a culture
that encourages people to grasp for the brass ring of fame and fortune
without regard for the consequences of their actions.

Instead of honesty and hard work, there is deception and provocative
attention. Rather than patience, there is imprudence and risk. Fame
and fortune at any cost is the rule. What used to be considered
shameful and humiliating behavior is now considered chutzpah and
dogged determination. Golly gee, all of those reality-TV contestants
are really epitomes of the indominable American spirit!

Current events in the asylum known as reality TV (which is so far
from actual reality that the use of the phrase should be banned) have
set me off again, so here\'s another reality TV rant.

Recently, we were introduced to Michaele and Tareq Salahi, a
seemingly upstanding Virginia couple who allegedly (innocent until
proven guilty in the court of media opinion) crashed an official White
House state dinner for what appears to be an effort to help the wife
land a part on \The Real Housewives of DC,\ a new reality-TV spinoff
of the highly successful franchise on the Bravo television network.

What is driving such outrageous behavior? For many reality-TV
contestants, the motivation is money. But that doesn\'t appear to
explain the possibly criminal actions of the Salahis gaining entry to
the White House dinner uninvited. By all accounts, they are a
well-to-do couple (though his family\'s wine business went bankrupt in
2007 and there are reports of up to 15 civil suits filed against
them). So what was behind their chicanery?

According to her profile on Wikipedia, Mrs. Salahi was shall we say
creative about her professional accomplishments (telling people that
she had been a Washington Redskins cheerleader and a fashion model,
all evidence to the contrary). Mr. Salahi, in turn, appears to have
ridden the successful coattails of his father, who founded an
award-winning winery, and enjoyed living the high life of the social
elite in Virginia\'s horse country.

In reading about this couple, two words struck me: nouveau riche.
From what I\'ve gathered, they possess the least admirable qualities
of that social group: vanity, narcissism, and entitlement. Only in
possession of those attributes could a couple engage in such a fraud
as occurred at the White House without any sense of guilt or
contrition. To the contrary, despite the fact that their stated
explanation is at odds with all actual accounts of the events that
night, they continue to declare their innocence. Plus, and here is
real chutzpah, reports indicate that the couple is trying milk their
time in the spotlight for all its worth (which, in our scandal-hungry
culture, is a great deal) by asking for hundreds of thousands of
dollars for interviews (which they also emphatically deny).

The Salahis harkened me back to a college modern American literature
class I took and my reading of the Great Gatsby. Maybe they are no
different from its titular character, Jay Gatsby, one of literature\'s
most famous social climbers. Having gained his wealth through
misbegotten means (I\'m not suggesting that the Salahis did), Gatsby
gazed jealously at East Egg and, despite his wealth, wanted nothing
more than to be accepted by the old money across the bay. Perhaps the
only difference between the Salahis and Jay Gatsby is that he didn\'t
have reality TV or Facebook.

How much farther will people go to gain their 15 minutes of fame? I
don\'t think that we have even begun to plumb the depths of depravity
to which people will lower themselves in the name of this Warholian
American Dream. I can only hope that all of these wannabes quickly
learn that, like Oz, this bizarro version of the American Dream is, as
Dorothy learned, just a vivid nightmare from which they will all wake
up back in Kansas (metaphorically speaking, of course, and no offense
to Kansas).

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One News Page Alert: Malkia A. Cyril: The Internet Must Not Become a ..

Dear Haytham,

We have been monitoring the world's news headlines on your behalf,
and found the following news report which matches your search term
*Make Money Earne*:

Malkia A. Cyril: The Internet Must Not Become a Segregated Community

Co-authored by Malkia Cyril, Chris Rabb and Joseph Torres

When Fox News\' Glenn Beck called President Barack Obama a racist
this past July, the online advocacy group launched a
campaign to convince advertisers to boycott the show. To date, some
285,000 people have joined the effort, and more than 80 companies have
pulled their ads.

CNN parted ways with Lou Dobbs last month after civil rights groups
and mobilized thousands of Latinos online to call on CNN
to dump the talk show host for spewing hate against immigrants for

None of this -- not these advocacy efforts, not countless small
business success stories, not even the election of President Obama --
would have happened without a free and open Internet. For communities
of color, the Internet provides us with a unique opportunity to speak
for ourselves without first seeking approval or permission or having
to secure major funds to do so. But the big telecommunications
companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast want to create an effectively
segregated online community where they will act as our gatekeepers.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is now considering new
rules that could protect the fundamental principle of \Network
Neutrality\ once and for all. Net Neutrality prohibits Internet
service providers (ISPs) from blocking, discriminating against or
deterring Internet users from accessing online content and
applications of their choice -- such as e-newsletters, blogs, social
networking sites, online videos, podcasts and smart-phone apps.

It\'s not that network owners are secretly plotting to stifle free
speech. But they have an undeniable, rational interest in creating a
pay-for-play model for the treatment of communication on the Internet.
Commercial Web sites that pay will get speed and quality, and the
noncommercial uses of the Net will be collateral damage -- relegated
to the slow lane. It\'s not necessarily that they want to block our
speech for political reasons. It\'s that our speech is not important
to them because it\'s not going to make them money.

The Internet provides our communities with a medium to access
services, find jobs, connect to friends, make inexpensive
international phone calls to family members, and to advocate for
social change. Many of the most valuable things we do online are
noncommercial; they exist because the Internet is the first mass media
system with no gatekeepers to dole out privilege to the highest
bidder. That freedom and openness is what makes the Internet different
from broadcasting and cable. We can\'t allow Comcast, AT&T, Verizon
and other broadband providers to deliver substandard Internet service
to our communities.

Telecom Companies Want to Create Second-Class \Netizens\

But the big phone and cable companies want to get rid of Net
Neutrality and control how the public accesses the Internet.

This threat to Internet freedom isn\'t hypothetical. Verizon got
caught blocking text messages sent by the pro-choice group NARAL to
its own members - backing down only in response to public pressure.
Comcast has also illegally interfered with file-sharing on its
network, a practice that earned the company a rebuke from the FCC.

Even though President Obama pledged that he would \take a back seat
to no one\ on Net Neutrality, the big phone and cable companies are
pulling out all the stops to derail it, including deploying Karl
Rove-style scare tactics within our communities and using their
massive resources to block Obama\'s agenda.

In the first nine months of 2009, they employed nearly 500 lobbyists
and spent some $74 million to influence Congress and the FCC. Their
misinformation has even convinced Glenn Beck that Net Neutrality is an
attempt by President Obama to take over the Internet.

Who will protect the online rights of marginalized communities
against the raw profit motive of big business? We urge leaders not to
yield to the underhanded scare tactics that corporations like AT&T
have used on our communities.

We Must Reject a Separate but Unequal Online World

One of those scare tactics is the claim, pushed by phone and cable
companies, that Network Neutrality poses a threat to digital
inclusion. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only does Net
Neutrality expand media diversity and access by ensuring fairness and
nondiscrimination by big corporations, it will prevent the kind of
media consolidation that has happened in the broadcast industry by
helping our communities develop a diversity of civic and commercial
online enterprises on a scale that represents our growing online

A primary reason for the digital divide is that the cost of fully
engaging in the online world is just too high for many in our
communities. Broadband in the United States is among the slowest but
most expensive of any industrialized nation. After years of
consolidation, the largest telecom companies have gotten away with
price-gouging our communities because of a lack of competition in the
broadband market.

More choices for broadband service -- not permitting more
discrimination -- are the key to bringing down costs. Scrapping Net
Neutrality in order to consolidate control over the Internet by cable
and phone companies is not the answer. More market control won\'t give
them more incentive to sell low-cost high-quality services to
low-income communities. Our communities will still be subject to the
same business logic that has marginalized us in the first place since
our households don\'t have a lot of money to spend. Shareholders
aren\'t charities, and we are foolish to expect otherwise.

But more importantly, we should not be sacrificing an open Internet
to bribe phone and cable companies not to practice forms of
red-lining. The answer to the digital divide cannot be to deliver a
second-class, closed Internet to our communities.

The historic fight against discrimination by groups like the NAACP
and the League of United Latin American Citizens has led to great
societal change, laying the groundwork for the election of a president
of color. We urge our colleagues in the civil rights community to
fight with us to ensure that telecom and cable companies are not
allowed to discriminate against our communities or interfere with our
capacity to speak for ourselves without first asking AT&T, Verizon or
Comcast for permission.

So far, several organizations of color have spoken out in favor of
passing Net Neutrality regulations, including the National Hispanic
Media Coalition, UNITY: Journalists of Color and

We are living through a critical moment in our nation\'s history. The
FCC is going to decide whether the Internet will remain an open
platform that allows for the greatest number of voices to participate
in our democratic society, or whether it will be a closed network
controlled by the big telecom companies.

We are concerned about the dire consequences of living without Net
Neutrality. It would create a separate but unequal online world where
our communities will be unable to use the Internet to compete or to
advocate for justice when we have been wronged.

We need civil rights, media justice, community-oriented and
grassroots organizations to stand together to make sure effective Net
Neutrality regulation will protect our communities from the predatory
practices of the phone and cable companies.

As with past civil rights struggles that successfully expanded
access, thwarted discrimination, destroyed legalized segregation, and
created broad opportunity, so too will the cause of Internet freedom.

-- Malkia Cyril is the executive director of the Center for Media
Justice. Chris Rabb is the founder of the online community
Afro-Netizen and is a visiting researcher at the Woodrow Wilson School
of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. Joseph
Torres is the government relations manager of Free Press and former
deputy director of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

This news story was reported by Huffington Post 11 seconds ago

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Recovery Act Announcement: DOE Celebrates Groundbreaking for Massachusetts Large Wind Blade Test Facility

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Progress Alert
U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy EERE Progress Alerts

Recovery Act Announcement: DOE Celebrates Groundbreaking for Massachusetts Large Wind Blade Test Facility

December 1, 2009

Representatives from the Department of Energy (DOE) today joined Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and other state officials to break ground for a $40 million facility to test large wind turbine blades. This project, supported by $25 million in DOE funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, will spur the development of next-generation wind turbine technology in the United States while creating 250 immediate construction jobs.

The facility will be the only U.S. test center capable of testing wind turbine blades up to 90 meters long for both land-based and offshore wind energy systems. This capability will aid in the development of a domestic supply chain for wind energy systems in the United States and will allow U.S. wind turbine manufacturers to compete with entrenched European firms.

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Breaking News: Sources: GM CEO Henderson expected to resign

News Alert
04:41 PM EST Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sources: GM CEO Henderson expected to resign

General Motors schedules press conference for announcement. AP sources say chairman of the board Ed Whitacre Jr. will serve as interim replacement.

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Breaking News: GM CEO Henderson to resign, AP reports

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*** Breaking News***
NEW YORK (AP) - General Motors' Chief Executive Frederick "Fritz" Henderson will resign, sources told The Associated Press. The company's chairman of the board Ed Whitacre Jr. will serve as interim replacement. The sources requested anonymity because the news had not yet been announced. GM announced on its website it will hold a press conference today at 4:30 p.m. ET to announce significant decisions reached by the GM Board of Directors.
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One News Page Alert: Beth Broderick: Larry 1984

Dear Haytham,

We have been monitoring the world's news headlines on your behalf,
and found the following news report which matches your search term
*Make Money Earne*:

Beth Broderick: Larry 1984

You are 22 years old and have lived in New York City for
almost a year now. They say it takes that long to begin to feel that
you are a part of the place. You wanted to come here at 18, but your
Midwestern parents insisted you finish college first and now you are
kind of glad you did, because even a temp job is hard to come by here.
Nights you do word processing for a downtown firm. You spend your
days trying to get a part, ANY part in any show. Broadway... Off
Broadway... it doesn\'t matter. You are certain that you have the
stuff. An agent saw you in a showcase a few weeks back and says you
have potential, which is huge. He agreed to take you on as a
hip-pocket client, which is way huge. When you told your parents this
momentous news they pretended to be happy for you, but you could hear
the judgment in their voices... they wish you would stop this
foolishness and come home and get married and be a man. You are never
going home, you CANNOT go home... this you know, but never say and
they have given up asking. And anyway, this is going to be your year
you can feel it. You have a girlfriend back home. Sarah is rooting for
you and this helps, but also makes you feel terrible, because you love
her, but, you don\'t know how to tell her that you have met someone
else. Especially since that someone else is a boy from your acting
class named Mark. The sex was different, but it felt as natural as
breathing and as you lay in his arms after you tried to hide the
curious thumping in your chest. You always knew that you were
different, but it has all come into focus now, the feeling you have
held back since childhood. You have yet to say the word out loud, but
you know in your bones that you are one of \them\. It is both
frightening and thrilling to discover that you are gay.

You have an audition today and your stomach is churning... maybe
that\'s what is causing the cramps that keep coming in waves. Or maybe
it\'s the stupid flu... just what you need today of all days the
freaking flu! You have been a little run down lately, but then
working nights and all so it\'s probably nothing. You are not going
to let it stop you... because this show is going to be big and you are
perfect for the part of the innocent young man trying to make his way
in the big city. So you gather yourself up and get to the audition.
There are a couple dozen actors there ahead of you, but that is just
part of the deal, so you put your name on the waiting list and find a
space on the floor to sit. The floor is freezing and that must be what
is causing the chill to run through you. You try to concentrate, but
keep being jolted by shivers \A rabbit must have run across my grave\
That is what your Mom always said whenever she shuddered and the
memory of this warms you for a moment, but then the chill returns and
you are beginning to understand that you are sick really sick. This
sucks because you will have to miss work and you really need the
money. Rent is due in a week and it is going to be tight. Your name
is finally called and you make it through the audition, but it didn\'t
go great, good, but not great and that totally sucks and it is
starting to rain and you just want to get home and get warm, but the
stupid bus is taking forever and your fever is climbing.

Two days later you wake up in the hospital. Your roommate called an
ambulance because he found you on the sofa drenched in sweat and
hallucinating. The nurse bends over you and she is a terrifying
sight. She is wearing what looks like some kind of NASA space suit.
You do not know how lucky you are to even have a nurse enter the
room. You are one of a dozen or so recent cases of a strange disease
that folks are calling Gay Men\'s Cancer. No one knows how it spreads
or what causes it and many hospital workers, nurses and doctors alike
are refusing to even treat patients for fear of catching this plague.
\Your fever is down\ she says her words muffled through a protective
mask. You try to get up and she lurches back like you are some kind of
monster. \Just stay down\ she snaps. \The doctor will be by to see you
later, stay down\. You are confused and weak and want to fight this,
but you lie back and try to quiet the panic that is rising inside.

The doctor tells you that you have \pnemosistis\ pneumonia and he
thinks this is being caused by a disease newly identified as AIDS.
There have been some whispers about a few guys from the bar who got
really sick, but no one knows much about it and those guys are
hardcore, you think. This can\'t be happening, this doctor must be
wrong! Oh God! What are you supposed to tell your boss? The people at
work do not even think you are gay... they can never ever know that
you have AIDS.

A week passes before they send you home with an armload of penicillin
and tell you to stay in bed for two more days. You make it back to
work on the third day and you are relieved to be getting stronger.
Everyone says you look like you have lost weight, but, at 6 ft 175
pounds you are still a strapping young man. You decide that the doctor
is wrong... it was just some complications from the flu. A few good
meals and several hours at the gym and you are good as new.

Three weeks later you wake on Saturday morning and notice a strange
coating on your tongue. By Monday there is a white foam at the
corners of your mouth. This is so weird. The doctor at the hospital
told you about a clinic that you could go to and with no small amount
of dread you call for an appointment.

\Sounds like thrush\ says the voice in a thick outer borough accent.
\You had better come in\. \This bites\ you think, but you gather
yourself and go to the clinic. The place looks like a bomb shelter,
but that does not prepare you for what you will see when you enter the
waiting room. The place appears to be a war zone. There are men in
varying stages of the disease. Most are young, crazy young ... their
soft boyish eyes filled with equal parts shock and sorrow, skin
ravaged by purple lesions, flesh draped over protruding bone. You are
stunned by how sick and wasted these men are. They appear to be made
of twig and string.

You are given medicine for the thrush, but it gets much worse before
it gets better and you are ashamed to go outside of the apartment with
your foaming face and soon the drugs have taken a toll on your system
and you are wracked with diarrhea. Your roommate tries to help by
leaving food on the stove, but you can tell that he is too afraid and
too disgusted to come near you. A week passes and you haven\'t been
to the office. There is a large purple mark on the side of your neck.
You think about calling home, but you are terrified of what your
father will do and say when he finds out. Your boss calls to tell
you not to bother coming back... your position has been filled. You
try not to cry, but the tears start and will not stop... it feels like
your life is slipping away. Mark hasn\'t even called and you are
totally alone and maybe it\'s true what they are saying that this is
God\'s punishment of your venal sins.

Two weeks later, you find yourself spending the night on the bathroom
floor... the diarrhea coming in wave after wave. You had an accident
and it took all of your strength to clean it up and you would be
mortified, but, you are too weak to care. The next thing you know you
are back in the hospital surrounded by extraterrestrials. Someone is
speaking to you, the doctor you think, but, his shape is blurry. \It
looks like you have a lesion on your brain and that is what is causing
the vision loss\. You squint opening first the left eye and then the
right. The right eye brings the doctor into a kind of shadowed relief.
\Would you like me to call someone? Your family?\ the voice asks and
there is a deep kindness in it that almost breaks you, but you shake
your head , your voice sounds unfamiliar when you speak \no no \, you
say and turn your face so that he cannot see the shame.

You do not know this, but your roommate is calling your Mom back home
and telling her how sick you are, that they say you have AIDS. She
listens quietly, holding herself around the middle. She cannot take
it in really. Her son is so young and strong that surely he will
recover from whatever this is. She promises to send money, but asks
the young man to please not call here again. If your father got wind
of it there would be no end to his fury. Gay? AIDS? She cannot
believe it, she refuses to believe it.

A week passes and you are not better. The hospital room is quiet. No
one has entered in what seems like days and you cannot remember the
last time you have eaten. Each breath comes in with a high pitched
sigh as if your lungs were made of wind chimes, the paper origami kind
that sort of whistle in the breeze. Your right eye no longer affords
you any indication of the time, there are only shadows now and it
could be night or day. It no longer matters. The doctor was here to
see you yesterday? Today? You aren\'t sure really. He asked again if
there was anyone to call, but this time you just stared ahead blankly.

Is this a dream or has Mark entered the room? The boy you loved so
much that it hurts just to hear his voice. You cannot see him and
will never know how weakened he too has become. He says gently:
\Hey\ and touches your forehead and the warmth of it spreads through
to your toes. You begin to feel light as if you were floating. The
hand strokes your head and you give in to it, allowing yourself to
soften. \It\'s okay\ he says, and you want to believe him, but mostly
you are aching to feel him next to you. \Please? \, you ask and he
gently lifts you to make room. You weigh 100 pounds now, there is
nothing left of you, but a heart so young it does not know how to stop
beating. Mark summons all of his courage and lays his body next to
yours \I\'m sorry\ he whispers and it is the last thing you hear.

It is a week before she arrives to gather your things for the long
ride home. Your father has not spoken since he learned of your death.
That is just as well, because she has nothing to say to him. There
are no words for any of it. Your roommate helps her stack your bags
by the front door and hands her a letter that is addressed to you.
Inside is 500 dollars and a note that says. \This is all I can get
for now without your father finding out. You know how he is. I love
you. Get well soon.

Your Mom

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Breaking News: Woods to get citation in car accident

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*** Breaking News***

McLEAN, Va. - The Florida Highway Patrol announced Tuesday in a news conference that it will issue Tiger Woods a citation for careless driving for the single-car accident in front of his home in the early morning hours following Thanksgiving Day. The FHP will not pursue criminal charges. For full story, click here.

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Breaking News: Tiger Woods faces fine after crash

News Alert
03:07 PM EST Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Police: Tiger Woods at fault in crash, faces fine

The Florida Highway Patrol has determined the golfer is at fault in crash and will issue citation for careless driving.

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Silver carp, a variety of Asian carp, can jump up to 10 feet out of the water when disturbed by a passing boat. Boaters and water-skiers on the Illinois River have been injured by the airborne fish.
Invasive carp threatens Great Lakes
By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
Fish and wildlife officials will poison a 6-mile stretch of water near Chicago on Wednesday in a last-ditch effort to keep one of the most dangerous invasive species of fish, the Asian carp, out of the Great Lakes. Read more
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