Breaking News: Salahis decline to testify before House committee

News Alert
10:00 PM EST Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Salahis decline to testify before House committee

Tareq and Michaele Salahi will not testify before Congress on Thursday about how they got into the White House last week for President Obama's first state dinner, the Associated Press reported. The Salahis' publicist said in a statement that the couple had already provided information to lawmakers.

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Political News Alert: Salahis decline to testify before House committee

News Alert
10:00 PM EST Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Salahis decline to testify before House committee

Tareq and Michaele Salahi will not testify before Congress on Thursday about how they got into the White House last week for President Obama's first state dinner, the Associated Press reported. The Salahis' publicist said in a statement that the couple had already provided information to lawmakers.

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Here's The Fastest Way To $67,000+ A Month

Here's The Fastest Way To $67,000+ A Month

Ok before we dive in I want to make a few things clear...

This thread is for people who are serious about creating an income online.

Those who post threads like '' How can I make money'' and those you aren't willing to invest in anything online can quite frankly leave...because those are never going to have success...and probably don't have the intelligence or desire.


This is easy. Too easy.

(Be sure to actually READ this guide and take notes! Yes, it's long...BUT ITS DETAILED and WILL work for you!)

But note I didn't say instant. But it IS easy...

To do so, you use a little understood power to get there...and that power is...


You think Rome was built in a day? No. But it DID grow...and your business can grow to that size too.

And you get there by leveraging more than just MONEY. Sure, reinvesting into things is great - but a lot of you have little money now. So you need to get some.

So you need to leverage what you HAVE in the most effective way possible.

So I'm going to give you an easy, step by step plan to leverage your business to as much money as you possible want!

Step 1. Pick Market

This is SO easy, it isn't funny.

Right now, go pick a niche. Hell, I'll give you a few:

Health, Wealth, or Relationships. Pets is good too. (this means weight loss, health problems, debt problems, foreclosure issues, making money online, relationship conflicts, breakup/get back together, lonely guy/girl, sex, and pets)

Don't think about it. Just pick one.

Now, take your chosen category and go to clickbank. Find the highest gravity product. Don't care - just pick one.

Next, go to "quantcast" and enter your chosen products web address and find out your targets demographics. Age, sex, location, frequently visited sites. Write this stuff down.

After that, go look up 10 forums on the topic. Look for people that are desperate - write down what they desire, what they are looking for.

These are called HOT BUTTONS. This is what will make you SELL.

Finally, go look at your chosen products sales page. Line up the hot buttons with your target demographic.

Step 2. Build "Opt-in" Bait for a squeeze page. Find out what your market wants and create a short little product for them to download.

This is "bait" to get them to opt-in. A short 20 page report works well.

Step 3. Make squeeze page. Put benefits to your product (yes, it is a product!) on your squeeze page in bullet points.

Line those up with your target markets needs. (You discovered these in step three).

Then, on the thank you page, put a review of the product you chose to promote. Video reviews work well. Then offer a bonus for buying through your link.

Finally, write up 10 emails to follow up with them. Offer them solid content and inside that content, put your affiliate link. Switch up straight promotions with content.

For those that purchase, get them on your "buyers list". Those that don't, at the end of 10 days offer them another affiliate product. You'll pick up more buyers this way.

Step 4. We built up our opt-in bait and squeeze page, with thank you page testimonial review. Now it is time to get the TRAFFIC. And this is where the magic happens...

Folks, I used this SINGLE technique - and I got 1000 subscribers in a matter of a few days...

Read That AGAIN!

Frankly, at that time, I got lucky. REAL lucky. I was clueless to what I was doing. But not anymore.

Here is the strategy:

Leverage what you have to attract the people that have what you need to give it to you!

What you need is this: People with medium to LARGE email lists already. And here is how you attract them:

- Go search for 10 affiliates already established in your niche. Approach them with an offer they can't refuse... say they need article writing, graphic design work, copywriting, who knows...but find out what they need and GIVE IT TO THEM. Preferably something they HATE doing. (link building, etc.)

Now, before you go say "Why do all that for them when I'm building their business..." because it works for you in TWO ways, I'll show you in a moment.

Now how they PAY YOU is with their email list...they send out a broadcast or two advertising your site.

This can result in hundreds or thousands being added to your list in a VERY short time...

For me, it was a little over 1000 subscribers, 314 dollars in IMMEDIATE income, and 2 to 3k a month from there on out. Just from this SINGLE TRANSACTION.

Pay Attention --> STEP 5. Now, are you going to go off and do nothing? NOPE...

You are now going to go find 10 more affiliates inside your niche...and you are going to offer them AD SWAPS.

This is where you basically trade lists. You can safely do this with your list 3 times a month...and in doing so double or triple the size of your list VERY fast.

So, lets say you got 500 subscribers with the first jv deal. You then do 6 swaps over 2 months, that should grow your list to 2k pretty fast.

And, just to give you some metric's...that should be 2000 a month in affiliate commissions.

Now we kick it into overdrive.

STEP 6. Start Outsourcing.

Hire a content writer and submitter from the Philippines. The are many advantages to the Philippines, like amazing english skills and good work ethic...very loyal. Plus, it's ONLY about 300 to 600 a month. Easy for you, now that you're earning 2k a month.

You are going to get them to write and submit articles for you. Train them well (how to do so is beyond the scope of this "mini course", info is out there if you look)

They'll start driving DIRECT traffic to your site without you lifting a finger. This allows you to CONTINUE to build relationships and do more JV ad swaps.

By now, a few months has passed and you should have about 3 to 4 thousand on your list...this is where it gets exciting!

STEP 7. Now, here is more leverage...

You now have a LIST of power house affiliates that you can JV in the future. You have a guy (your start up guy) who loves you to pieces for helping him out - and you have helped grow your business and HIS business at the same time...

You are now going to MAKE YOUR OWN PRODUCT in this niche. Use your competitors product as a base and BUILD IT BIGGER and BETTER.

Then, use your list, your 10 or so affiliates and do a PRODUCT LAUNCH. Go with clickbank for this. Because you are going to leverage their affiliate system.

Then, plan your launch - Simply put - do 6 video's, like so:

1. Someone interviewing you about you and your product. This builds trust with your list!

2. A case study of someone using your system.

3. A sample of the stuff they are going to learn.

4. A 'product spy photo or video'

5. Another case study.

6. A Q&A video with you answering questions.

Span this over 2 weeks - then have all your affiliates and you send out the "launch day" email and then 2 things are going to happen.

1 Your affiliates and you will all promote...and remember how you helped grow that first guys business? He is going to have a larger list now...equaling thousands upon thousands of dollars for you.

2 This is going to have a "run away" effect ~ going with clickbank and using those affiliates, you are now going to have a HUGE GRAVITY and are going to pick up tons and tons of affiliates organically!

STEP 8. This should equal a continual 5 figures a now we just need to duplicate.

Enter into a related, but slightly different niche, than before. This will enable you to cross promote lists. Get your buyers from your first launch onto this second product.

The process of doing this again will be 10 times easier, because you are already going to have a monster list, and several tight JV partners.

You can then leverage this success to go find more jv partners and more "bigger players" than before.

Also, add on several "upsells" and "downsells" to each product and you can easily triple the money you bring in.

After doing this with 2 or 3 products, you'll have a six figure a month business, all on autopilot...And you never spent a dime on traffic, and never relied on article marketing for your own success.

What is a Six Figure A Month Business?

It is: 67 Sales a Day at 50 bucks.

You think that is hard?

Imagine having 100 affiliates all promoting you.

Sure, remove the part of commission and what do you get? 20 bucks a sale is 166 sales a day.

Now, that is an average of 2 sales a day per affiliate!

Think about this...Travis's product, The Magic Of Making Up, has affiliates doing 20 to 30 sales a day. Several of them!

What is more amazing is that if you add UPSELLS and DOWNSELLS, this gets a lot LOT EASIER.

So, you think it's not possible to make 6 figures a month in less than a year?

Think again.


This is how the big boys do it.

The big boys don't screw around writing articles or managing PPC campaigns.

YOUR time is the most VALUABLE resource you have. You can't replace it, you can't get more of it, so you need to be as EFFICIENT as possible to make the most money possible. That is why you work on RELATIONSHIP BUILDING - getting people more established than you on your side...that is why you outsource...let them do the mundane work of your business.

The big boys focus on RELATIONSHIP building, making KICK ASS products, and LEARNING how to Market And how to SELL!

By doing those things, they master the art of business, and can make more money than most people make in a life time.

Tony Robbins. This dude, he makes 500 million a year. He TAUGHT Frank Kern and John Reese.

Can you imagine that? 500 Million a Year! But he did so through LEVERAGE, in a very SIMILAR fashion to what I'm teaching you now!

This basically concludes this course.

Stop thinking SMALL, start thinking BIG, and START TAKING ACTION!

One News Page Alert: Eric Burns: If I Still Worked at Fox News...

Dear Haytham,

We have been monitoring the world's news headlines on your behalf,
and found the following news report which matches your search term
*Make Money Earne*:

Eric Burns: If I Still Worked at Fox News...

I am not the Eric Burns who heads Media Matters, the
liberal watchdog group. I am the Eric Burns who used to host Fox News
Watch on the right-wing partial-news-but-mostly-opinion network. In
the past year and a half, since departing from Ailes and friends, I
have been much more silent about media matters than my namesake.

I speak out now because it is the time of year when one is
supposed to count blessings. I have several. Among them is that I do
not have to face the ethical problem of sharing an employer with Glenn

Actually, Beck is a problem of taste as well as ethics. He
laughs and cries; he pouts and giggles; he makes funny faces and grins
like a cartoon character; he makes earnest faces yet insists he is a
clown; he cavorts like a victim of St. Vitus\'s Dance. His means of
communicating are, in other words, so wide-ranging as to suggest
derangement as much as versatility.

He is Huey Long without the political office.

He is Father Coughlin without the dour expression.

He is John Birch without the Society.

He is an embarrassment to all true conservatives, men and
women who believe sincerely, thoughtfully and sensibly that the role
of government in American life should be limited.

Of course, Beck does not call himself a conservative; he is,
rather, a libertarian, which may be defined as a conservative-squared,
a person who wants the feds to collect no money in taxes, spend no
money on programs, but make available all services that the
libertarian deems necessary for his own convenience and safety.

It is remarkable that Beck has attracted the amount of
attention he has. Remarkable because, every night, Fox\'s Sean
Hannity and MSNBC\'s Keith Olbermann stage a duel of one-sidedness in
political commentary that would have been the talk, and the shame, of
a more civil era.

Remarkable because, every night, Fox\'s Bill O\'Reilly stages
an exhibition of contentiousness, mean-spiritedness and
self-aggrandizement that would similarly have affronted civil viewers
of the past.

Remarkable because, every night, CNN\'s Campbell Brown stages
an exhibition of a different kind, one of honorable pugnacity, an
exhibition that would have stimulated viewers of the past but instead
makes her a part of her network\'s continuing decline in prime-time

Yet Glenn Beck surpasses them all. He is the talk of the
talkers. It is he who causes commentators to comment, fans to swoom,
foes to fulminate. And it is he who has motivated me to burrow up
from my literary researches to opine on journalism one more time.

I ask myself what I would have done if I worked at Fox now.
Would I have quit, as the estimable Jane Hall did? Once a panelist on
my program, Hall departed for other reasons as well, but Beck was a
particular source of embarrassment to her, even though they never
shared a studio, perhaps never even met.

I think . . . I think the answer to my question does not do me
proud. I think, more concerned about income than principle, I would
have continued to work at Fox, but spent my spare time searching
avidly for other employment. I think I would not have been as
admirable as Jane Hall. I think I would not have reacted to Beck with
the probity I like to think I possess.

But, in my defense, I would never have gone out in public
without wearing those funny black eyeglasses with no glass, bushy
eyebrows and a fake nose.

Eric Burns\'s next book is Invasion of the Mind-Snatchers:
Television\'s Conquest of American in the Fifties, to be published in
the spring of 2010.

This news story was reported by Huffington Post 3 minutes ago

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EPA News Release (HQ): Statement of Lisa P. Jackson Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Legislative Hearing on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works December 2, 2009

EPA Press Office


December 2, 2009

Statement of Lisa P. Jackson
Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Legislative Hearing on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
December 2, 2009

WASHINGTON – Chairman Lautenberg, Chairman Boxer, Ranking Member Inhofe and other members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to speak about how we can improve our framework for assessing and managing chemical risks.

Understandably, the public is turning to government for assurance that chemicals that are ubiquitous in our economy, our environment and our bodies have been assessed using the best available science, and that unacceptable risks have been eliminated.

But, under existing law, we cannot give that assurance. Restoring confidence in our chemical management system is a top priority for me, and a top environmental priority for the Obama Administration. 

EPA is the agency tasked with ensuring that the chemicals used in the American economy are safe.  But, Mr. Chairman, the current law that gives EPA that authority is outdated, and does not provide the tools to adequately protect human health and the environment as the American people expect, demand and deserve.

Chairman Lautenberg, I commend you for your long standing leadership on this issue and look forward to working with you, Chairman Boxer and other Members of this committee as you consider ways to improve the safety of chemicals.

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was signed into law in 1976 and was intended to provide protection of health and the environment against risks posed by chemicals in commerce. However, when TSCA was enacted, it authorized manufacture and use, without any evaluation, of all chemicals that were produced for commercial purposes in 1976 or earlier years.  Thus, manufacturers of these “grandfathered” chemicals weren’t required to develop and produce the data on toxicity and exposure that are needed to properly and fully assess potential risks.  Further compounding this problem, the statute never provided adequate authority for EPA to reevaluate existing chemicals as new concerns arose or as new scientific information became available.  

TSCA does provide some authority to EPA to mandate industry to conduct testing, but even in these cases it has taken years to obtain data and information.  As a result, there are large, troubling gaps in the available data and state of knowledge on many widely used chemicals in commerce.

TSCA also doesn’t place any legal obligation on producers to conduct testing on new chemicals being introduced into commerce. They are required only to supply existing data to EPA and are not required to provide all the data necessary to fully assess a chemical’s risks. 

In the rare cases where EPA has adequate data on a chemical, and wants to protect the public against well-known, unreasonable risks to human health and the environment, there are too many legal hurdles to take quick and effective regulatory action

For example, in 1989, after years of study, EPA issued a rule phasing out most uses of asbestos – a chemical whose health effects had been exhaustively studied and demonstrated to cause lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis in humans. Yet, a federal court overturned the rule because EPA failed to clear the many hurdles imposed under TSCA before existing chemical risks can be controlled

Due to these legal and procedural hurdles in the law over the last 30 years, EPA has only been able to require testing on around 200 chemicals produced and used in the United States, and it has only issued regulations to control five existing chemicals determined to present an unreasonable risk under Section 6 of TSCA.  Five from a total universe of more than 80,000 existing chemicals listed on the TSCA Inventory.   Though many of these chemicals  likely pose little or no risk, the story is clear---we’ve only been able to effectively regulate a handful of chemicals and we know very little about the rest. 

TSCA must be updated and strengthened. 

Earlier this fall, I announced the Obama Administration’s legislative principles for how this law should be revised and modernized.   Let me highlight the Obama Administration’s principles:

First, chemicals should be reviewed against safety standards that are based on sound science and reflect risk-based criteria protective of human health and the environment.  Safety standards should be driven solely by scientific evidence of risks.  EPA should have the clear authority to establish safety standards that reflect the best available science while recognizing the need to assess and manage risk in the face of uncertainty.

Second, the responsibility for providing adequate health and safety information should rest on industry.  Manufacturers must develop and submit the hazard, use, and exposure data demonstrating that new and existing chemicals under review are safe.  If industry doesn’t provide the information, EPA should have the necessary tools to quickly and efficiently require testing, or obtain other information from manufacturers that are relevant to determining the safety of chemicals, without the delays and obstacles currently in place, or excessive claims of confidential business information.

Third, EPA should have clear authority to take risk management actions when chemicals do not meet the safety standard, with flexibility to take into account a range of considerations, including children’s health, economic costs, social benefits, and equity concerns.  EPA and industry must include special consideration for exposures and effects on groups with higher vulnerabilities – particularly children.  For example, children ingest chemicals at a higher ratio to their body weight than adults, and are more susceptible to long-term damage and developmental problems.  Our new principles offer them much stronger protections.

Fourth, EPA should have clear authority to set priorities for conducting safety reviews.  In all cases, EPA and chemical producers must act on priority chemicals in a timely manner, with firm deadlines to maintain accountability.  This will not only assure prompt protection of health and the environment, but provide business with the certainly that it needs for planning and investment.

Fifth, we must encourage innovation in green chemistry, and support research, education, recognition, and other strategies that will lead us down the road to safer and more sustainable chemicals and processes.   All of this must happen with  transparency and concern for the public’s right to know.

Finally, implementation of the law should be adequately and consistently funded, in order to meet the goal of assuring the safety of chemicals, and to maintain public confidence that EPA is meeting that goal. To that end, manufacturers of chemicals should support the costs of Agency implementation, including the review of information provided by manufacturers.

I know that legislative reform may take time.  Consequently, I have directed my Assistant Administrator of Pollution Prevention and Toxic Substances, Steve Owens, to utilize our current authority under TSCA to the fullest extent possible, including Section 6 authority to label, restrict, or ban a chemical, to ensure that we do everything we can to protect the American people and the global environment from dangerous chemicals. While fundamental reform is needed to fully protect against chemical risks, this is a step forward.

Specifically, EPA is currently evaluating an initial set of chemicals based on available hazard, exposure, and use information, for potential action.  We will complete and make public “action plans” for the chemicals which will outline the risks that the use of these chemicals may present and what steps we  may take to address those concerns.  Following this, we aim to complete and make publicly available a group of chemical action plans every four months.  EPA intends to engage stakeholders and dialogue with other federal partners, as well as the public, in the discussion about prioritizing chemicals for future risk management action over the coming months through public notices and public meetings.

But let me be clear – this is no substitute for meaningful reform of the underlying law. The need for fundamental TSCA reform has been recognized by industry groups, including the American Chemistry Council, environmental groups, public health groups, several States and cities, and many other groups who have all called on Congress to Act.  I too call on Congress to act on this issue and give EPA the tools to adequately protect human health and the environment.

The time has come to bring TSCA into the 21st Century.  EPA looks forward to working with this committee on this very important issue. 

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Today's Headlines: Afternoon Edition

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Washington Post

Most Viewed Articles on

1) Woods says he lets family down

THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. -- Tiger Woods said he let his family down with "transgressions" he regrets "with all of my heart," and that he will deal with his personal life behind closed doors.

2) Rogers's unwanted new guest: Scrutiny

On the night of the Obamas' first state dinner, White House social secretary Desir?e Rogers glided past the rope line of press and photographers at 6:53 p.m., pausing to boast, "We are very excited . . . everything looks great." Little did she know that the evening would end up tarnishing her vau...

3) A new field of inquiry: Salahis' polo cup

Tareq and Michaele Salahi's signature social event, the annual Land Rover America's Polo Cup, bills itself as the "world's most prestigious and largest . . . charity polo event," benefiting the Salahi-run charity Journey for the Cure. Its next U.S. gala is scheduled for June on the Mall.

4) Transcript of Tiger Woods' statement

-- This is a transcript of the statement released Wednesday by golfer Tiger Woods on his Web site. It ran with the headline "Tiger comments on current events."

5) With speech, president makes the conflict truly his own

President Obama assumed full ownership of the war in Afghanistan on Tuesday night with a speech arguing that the fastest way out of the conflict is a rapid and significant escalation of it. But the muted response from key Democratic congressional leaders and the skepticism from Republicans about ..

6) France miss out on World Cup finals seeding

CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - France, World Cup winners in 1998 and finalists in 2006, missed out on a place in the eight top seeds for Friday's draw, announced by FIFA on Wednesday.

7) They're talking about you, Grandma

A desultory debate of rote talking points and cheap demagoguery.

8) FHA to toughen rules for borrowers

The Federal Housing Administration is proposing to increase the up-front cash paid by borrowers as part of an effort to shore up the agency's finances, which have been staggered by rising defaults in its flagship mortgage insurance program, according to FHA officials.

9) Surge, then leave

The right decision even if it will make everyone at least a little unhappy.

10) Obama: U.S. security is still at stake

WEST POINT, N.Y. -- President Obama announced Tuesday that he will send 30,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan by next summer and begin withdrawing forces in July 2011, making his case to the nation that Islamist extremism in the region remains an enduring threat to the security of Americans.

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Politics: Afternoon Edition

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Washington Post

Most Viewed Articles in Politics

1) With speech, president makes the conflict truly his own

President Obama assumed full ownership of the war in Afghanistan on Tuesday night with a speech arguing that the fastest way out of the conflict is a rapid and significant escalation of it. But the muted response from key Democratic congressional leaders and the skepticism from Republicans about ...

2) Senators express hope for a health reform bill

Senators prepared to cast their first votes Wednesday on health-care reform, but even as partisan divisions hardened and contentious amendments stacked up, Democrats increasingly expressed optimism that they would succeed in passing a bill before Christmas.

3) After police killings, Huckabee defends clemency for suspect

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee on Tuesday defended his decision to commute the prison sentence years ago of the man who allegedly killed four police officers Sunday near Tacoma, Wash., saying the defendant had received an unfairly harsh sentence because he was young and black.

4) Salahis sought gala access through a Pentagon door

E-mails turned over to the Secret Service show that Tareq and Michaele Salahi had sought a top Defense Department official's help to gain access to last week's White House state dinner.

5) Afghanistan strategy to be scrutinized at Congressional hearing

Top administration officials told Congress on Wednesday that the deployment of 30,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan is vital to stem the growing momentum of a resurgent Taliban in what they called the epicenter of global Islamic extremism. But they promptly came under tough questioning fr...

6) House panel likely to pass rest of financial overhaul

The final pieces of a package to overhaul the financial regulatory system are expected to win approval Wednesday from a key House committee with the support of black lawmakers who previously blocked the legislation to protest President Obama's handling of the economy.

7) Obama meets with Nobelists

President Obama met briefly Tuesday with the other Americans accepting Nobel prizes next week, continuing an Oval Office tradition even though he happens to be among this year's winners.

8) 34,000 troops will be sent to Afghanistan

President Obama will outline Tuesday his intention to send an additional 34,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan, according to U.S. officials and diplomatic sources briefed Monday as Obama began informing allies of his plan.

9) Senate health bill gets a boost

As the Senate opened debate Monday on a landmark plan to overhaul the nation's health-care system, congressional budget analysts said the measure would leave premiums unchanged or slightly lower for the vast majority of Americans, contradicting assertions by the insurance industry that the averag...

10) In health-care reform, no deficit cure

As the long battle over health care is rejoined in the Senate this week, experts remain deeply divided over whether the legislation would rein in soaring health-care costs or simply add millions of people to a system that is already driving the nation toward bankruptcy.

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Year of Science Question of the Month: Can You Think of a New Year's Resolution to Improve Both Your Health and the Environment?

Year of Science Question of the Month: Can You Think of a New Year's Resolution to Improve Both Your Health and the Environment?
Wed, 02 Dec 2009 14:00:46 -0600

For each month in 2009—the Year of Science — we pose a question related to science. The theme for December is Celebrate Science and Health. Since science and health are at the core of pretty much everything EPA does, it’s a perfect theme to wrap up Year of Science activities! Can you think of a New Year’s [...]

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Opinions: Afternoon Edition

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Washington Post

Most Viewed Opinions Columns

1) Surge, then leave

The right decision even if it will make everyone at least a little unhappy.

2)  Par for the coarse

This isn't breaking news. This is breaking gossip.

3)  Crash and do not tell

Tiger Woods is the refreshing converse of the loathsome White House party-crashers.

4) Obama's Afghanistan speech and strategy

Foreign policy and political experts assess the president's speech. Online, assessments from Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Ed Rogers and Douglas E. Schoen.

5) Green leverage over Iran

Obama's hand of engagement is slapped again and again -- but here's an untried option.

6) An Afghan strategy

PRESIDENT OBAMA outlined a strong but carefully calibrated commitment to Afghanistan and Pakistan Tuesday night. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the commander he appointed last summer, will get most of the troops he requested to implement a counterinsurgency strategy aimed at protecting the Aghan pop...

7) Party's over

DESPITE NOT being on the official guest list, the couple from Front Royal, Va., have insisted for a week that they were indeed invited to the Nov. 24 state dinner for the prime minister of India. They broke their public silence on the "Today" show Tuesday. But they didn't answer a key question: W...

8)  The mod squads

MODIFYING mortgages to provide more affordable terms can help borrowers, lenders and neighborhoods avoid the economic and social costs of foreclosure. With that in mind, the Obama administration unveiled the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) in March. HAMP provides $75 billion to help l...

9) Gate-crashers at the White House

Tareq and Michaele Salahi deserve the strongest possible condemnation for giving the Secret Service a black eye and playing fast and loose with the security of the president.

10)  A right to say 'I do'

America is a tad nuts on the subject of same-sex marriage.

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The latest, polished-aluminum iPod Nano from Apple is available in nine colors and can store up to 4,000 songs.
These tech gifts can turn up the beat for music fans; see photos
By Marc Saltzman, Special for USA TODAY
Whether classical, death metal, or something in between, there's a high-tech gift idea for any music lover on your holiday list. Read more
GOTTA-HAVE GADGETS: Gifts even tech geeks would appreciate
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