A high level of credit worthiness is something worthy of having if you want to step into the lending world. Lenders check the credit status of their prospective clients to gauge the risk factor involved in striking a deal with them. But what if you happen to have bad credit? This may be due to some misfortune or the other. The bottom-line is it can really ruin your chances. However, your case can be altered with the right choice of loans. There are many loans forwarded to bad credit holder. One which can be availed with ease and without much fuss is a Bad Credit Secured Loan.
Bad credit secured loans are advanced in spite of a credit record which contains cases of one or more of the following:
* Arrears
* Defaults
* Late payments
* Low credit score (below 580 for FICO)
* Unpaid bills
* Bankruptcy
You only have to pledge a high value asset like your home, real estate or car for the loan to be approved without fail. Then, with the help of the loan, you can amass enough monetary aid for any purpose you have in mind- for instance, car purchase, medical surgery, education fees, wedding, holiday or debt consolidation.
With a bad credit secured loan, generosity in providing loan amount is the norm. Based on your repayment capability and recent credit history, you have the opportunity of getting any amount in the range of £5000-£100000 through this loan. Repayment period can be quite lengthy- from 5 years to a maximum of 30 years. If your repayment option of choice is paying easy monthly installments over a long period of time, it can be achieved through this loan. However, be aware that it is better to opt for a shorter duration.
Bad credit Secured Loans carry interest rate which is a little high but compared to conventional loans for bad credit people, it is much lower. You might even get to avail facilities like payment breaks. More importantly, you can even repair your damaged credit by completing your repayment on time.
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